Birth Prep
Pelvic Floor Muscles during birth/prep to minimize tearing
Pelvic Anatomy
Breathing Techniques
Positioning to progress labor
Pushing Techniques and Positions
Epidural Considerations
Pelvic Floor Muscles
What do they do:
PFM contract, relax, bulge (lengthen)
To contract: squeeze openings, then lift
To Relax: letting everything go
Flower blooming, feel from pubic bone to tailbone opening as well as SITs bones (sit on ball)
To bulge/lengthen: gentle pushing downward (like pushing out a tampon)
Do this during pushing phase
Prep with Perineal Massage/stretching
Massage perineum (between vaginal and anal openings)
3-9 o’clock
Can start at 34/35 weeks (check with OB, Midwife prior to starting)
Self, partner
Lubrication or bath/shower
Sitting in bath tub or standing with one foot on stool
Can use a pelvic wand (Intimate Rose)
5-8 min, few times week
Evidence: reduce grade 3/4 tears, Brain connection with PFM, Improve postpartum healing
Pelvis Anatomy
Inlet (top part of the pelvis)
Helps the baby engage into the top of the pelvis
Exercises where knees out, toes in
Child’s pose
Fig 4 stretch, FR, massage
Deep Squat
Mid pelvis
During active labor helps baby move down the birth canal
Asymmetric positions
Lunging with birth ball, at bed, at counter
Side to side movements
Outlet (bottom of the pelvis)
Helps the baby’s head have the most room to exit
Exercises/positions knees in, toes out
Sidelying using peanut ball, partner holding leg in this position
Breathing Techniques
During contractions
Inhale: feel ribs expand 360 degrees and relax PF
Exhale: continue to relax PF and let go
During pushing
Inhale: ribs expand
Exhale: blow like blowing up a balloon and bear down (pushing out tampon)
Uterus pushes the baby out, Pelvic Floor Muscles need to relax and lengthen
Practice pushing (37 weeks)
Exhale through open mouth (like blowing up a balloon)
Pelvic floor stays relaxed and bulges/lengthens
5 times, 2-3x/week - get used to the sensation
Hip Stretching: Maximize Hip Internal Rotation, External Rotation
Hip External Rotation
Deep squat
Can hold onto something or sit on stack of books/FR
Foam roll/massage glutes - trigger points
Piriformis stretch (figure 4) - sitting in chair or on floor
Hip Internal Rotation
Sitting with a ball/FR/pillow between knees, rotate toes out
90-90 position in sitting
Windshield Wipers
Child’s pose rocking: knees out/toes in AND knees in/toes out
Hip circles on hands and knees
Figure 8s and pelvic tilts on gym ball
BONUS: Jaw release
Jaw and Pelvic Floor Connection - tension in one can lead to tension in another
Remember open mouth and low moaning noises can help PFM relax during labor
Massaging in circular motion at TMJ
Stretching the muscle as you open your jaw
Place tip of tongue behind teeth to help release jaw tension during the day
Positions to progress labor
Continue changing positions and use gravity
Stand: lean at wall, bar, edge of bed
Child’s pose (less pressure on PFM, can help with back pain)
Birth Ball: rocking, swaying, sitting or leaning
Use peanut ball
Birth stool or sitting backward on toilet
Partner Assisted/Doula
Towel assisted belly support - helps with back labor
Hip squeeze on all fours - opens pelvic outlet
Sacral pressure on all fours - helps with back labor
Pushing Positions
Knees in/toes out to open the bottom of the pelvis
Use gravity
Whatever you want
Sidelying with leg supported (foot up) or with peanut ball
If laying on your back: place towel rolls on either side to allow sacrum and tailbone to move
Planned C-section
Advocate/talk to your provider:
Your incision/scar appearance - staples, stitches, glue
Ask from them to tell what is going on
Immediate skin to skin
Clear surgical drape
Support team - anesthesiologist - nauseous or sleepy - let them know
Unpack your things - no unnecessary moving and bending after
Exercise Routine for Birth Prep
Breathing with Pelvic Floor Relaxation/Lengthening x10
Do this in different positions - seated, on ball, standing, hands/knees etc
Find what feels best
Practice Pushing Breath x5 (after 37 weeks)
Hip Mobility x10 each
Child’s pose
Child’s pose rocking: knees out/toes in AND knees in/toes out
Hands/knees hip circles
Adductor Stretch (hands/knees with one leg straight, rocking)
Fig 4 stretch, FR, massage
Deep Squat
Sitting with a ball/FR/pillow between knees, rotate toes out
90-90 position in sitting
Windshield Wipers
Birth ball: Figure 8s and pelvic tilts
End with hands/knees core contraction breathing for stability
Perineal Massage